Encouraging the curious.
Supporting the problem solvers.
Restoring connections.
Empowering learning.
Learning is where curiosity meets action. Learning doesn’t have four walls or even walls at all. It isn’t specific to a certain type of person or age group or status.
It’s where the seeds of growth, empathy, creativity, connection, and problem solving are planted. It’s the learners who are solving global warming, bringing peace, finding cures, and raising up the next generation of learners.
And we’re here for them.
In the 21st century, traditional learning boundaries are gone. We can connect with people and content however and whenever we want along our life-long journey. Audio is our most intimate and direct connection with this new frontier.
Students receive a Lexile measure (audio + listening) for reading each year
Listening ranked 2nd on list of most important skills employers looked for
Of learners use tech-based emotional or mental health services such as telemed/ telehealth online counseling or mental health apps
Ambient noise cancellation and quality audio translate directly to increased attention, greater focus and engagement
But many of our technologies and tools aren't adapting to the audio needs of the 21st century. That's why we've made it our mission to create mindful, innovative and accessible solutions that facilitate learning and growth for everyone, no matter who they are or where they're at on their life-long journey.
Meeting the needs of those we serve in a thoughtful, empathetic way.
Creating proactive solutions for a greater impact.
Providing opportunities for all to have essential tools they need for their learning journey.
To encourage and grow the next generation of learners, leaders, and problem solvers, we want to make sure the world is a more beautiful, fair, and open place for them to make a difference.
We strive to make sure our products and decisions are eco-friendly and kind to the earth.
Supporting and advocating for digital access for the underserved and underrepresented.
Connecting people through thoughtful, high-quality audio solutions.
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