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Supporting Schools in Real Time

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To provide the best support for schools, the AVID team is mindful of the needs of students and educators as we position our inventory to ensure availability of our award-winning audio solutions developed for learning. In our recent article in CIO Coverage, we delve deeper into the ways AVID continues to adapt, scale and sustain to rise above the challenges a disrupted shipping pipeline has been causing across the globe and how we can get the best tools for learning to those that need them most.

We ensure our product availability by taking a crucial and intelligent inventory position on our most called for audio products even as global supply chain issues persist.

For example, an adaptable business operating model is at the heart of AVID’s ability to thrive and serve. We remain driven by our purpose “to enhance life’s experiences” and concentrate on the circumstances and needs of the customers we serve to make our decisions.

AVID Products has provisioned supply and have fulfilled demand in all ways possible, whenever and wherever, the educators, students, schools and families may need us.

Furthermore, AVID is currently a 90% remote company, a characteristic that helps us understand the importance of communication and focus as we work in a variety of home environments across the country. We continue to embrace our digital presence and strive to ensure students and teachers are also able to be successful in any learning situation, whether it be remote, hybrid or in the classroom.

Read the full article in CIO Coverage here.

Learn more about AVID’s dedication to real-time support here.

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