Listen Now: The Educational Epoch Change You Didn’t Know Happened

Listen Now: The Educational Epoch Change You Didn’t Know Happened

Written by: Elizabeth Woodard | April 7, 2022

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A Recent Learning Transformation

With the expanding variety of digital tools and curriculums at our fingertips, what exactly is the future of learning? While in parallel, how do we ensure learning opportunities are available to everyone? On this episode of the Learning Counsel EduJedi Report: The Educational Epoch Change You Didn’t Know Happened, host LeiLani Cauthen and AVID Products CEO and Employee-Owner, Tom Finn, outline the framework of where education is going and how accessibility and customized learning plans are key to student success.

The Educational Epoch Change You Didn’t Know Happened

Anyone around the education sphere may have noticed a shift happen over the last two years, though the changes may not have seemed as apparent as they are starting to appear. While schools, educators, parents and students strive to adjust back to normal after Covid, we are all struggling to define what exactly “normal” is. LeiLani and Tom discuss the increasing number of learners who have moved away from in-person classrooms embracing fully remote, hybrid or homeschooling models, leading to an influx in demand for digital equity and accessibility.

One should also note, as Tom says, learning was already headed in this direction, the pandemic accelerated and amplified these changes. We have a unique opportunity to address the needs of learners now and in the future.

Moving Into the Age of Experience

Tom continues, “The purpose of learning is not to prepare students for the education of the past, but really the learning of their future. With a future forward attitude towards learning, tomorrow’s learners will be guided to focus on curiosity, creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, collaborating, compassion, composure and mindfulness. Fundamentally changing the structure for how learning is done.”

To hear more, listen now.

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Elizabeth Woodard

Elizabeth is an employee-owner and Content & Social Media Strategist at AVID, where her passion for art, design, and writing converge. Dedicated to crafting narratives about the transformative power of audio, she aims to inspire others to explore its potential in enhancing human experiences across diverse backgrounds.

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